If you are considering buying novaform mattress and just wanted to know that does novaform mattress have fiberglass then the shortest answer is,
All products from novaform including their mattresses do not contain any fiberglass in their mattress, so all materials used to create novaform mattress does not have toxic, harmful chemicals or fiberglass in them.
Novaform Mattress is 100% Safe and does not have fiberglass in it.
Novaform is a most popular brand for making memory foam mattresses and their mattress is manufactured and designed in the united states.
They are known for their quality and safety so if you are worried about does novaform mattress has fiberglass or not then don’t worry because novaform mattress does not have fiberglass.
But if they don’t use fiberglass then which material do they use to make their mattress fire resistant and how they are made of?
And is fiberglass really dangerous?
Don’t worry we got you covered, just stay tuned.
What Novaform Mattress is Made of? (Construction)

Novaform mattresses are made from 100% memory foam which is a safe and natural material.
The first layer of novaform mattress has 3 inches of gel-infused memory foam, 3 inches of air channel foam, and 8 inches of high-density polyfoam as support core.
Novaform mattress is one of the safest and best memory foam mattress in the united states.
does novaform mattress have fiberglass
No, novaform mattresses do not have fiberglass in their all mattress, in fact, they create one of the safest and best memory foam mattresses in the united states.
80% of mattresses in the united states have fiberglass in them but most people even don’t know what is fiberglass.
And if you are searching for this that means you know about fiberglass and it’s so great as compared to people who even don’t know what fiberglass is.
And if you are considering buying novaform mattresses then don’t worry you can go for it because novaform mattress does not contain fiberglass.
What is Fiberglass & why do most mattress brand use fiberglass in their mattress.
Fiberglass is a very dangerous material that can cause lots of health troubles like nose bleeding, itching, skin infections, sneezing, and other symptoms.
And why do most of the mattresses (almost 80%) use fiberglass in their mattress?
Because according to federal law, every mattress in the united states must need to use fire retardant to make mattress fire-resistant.
And fiberglass is a cheap fire retardant that makes mattresses fire resistant.
Other fire retardants like wool, latex, and other natural materials are expensive so lots of mattress brands don’t want to use expensive materials in their mattresses.
So they use cheap fiberglass to make their mattress fire-resistant.
But if you are considering buying novaform mattress then don’t worry because novaform mattress does not have fiberglass.
Which material novaform mattress use instead of fiberglass?
As you know that federal law states that every mattress needs to be fireproof or fire-resistant so mattress brands need to have flame or fire retardant.
Then which material novaform mattress use to make their mattresses fire-resistant?
Mattress companies like zinus use fiberglass to make their mattresses fire-resistant but fiberglass is not safe.
Novaform mattress uses rayon and silica fire socks to make their mattress fire resistant but they do not use fiberglass, and silica is made from silica sand.
And royon and silica are 100% safe. So that’s how novaform creates a high-quality fiberglass free memory foam mattress.
If you are still concerned about does novaform mattress have fiberglass or how to check yourself then here is how you can find out if you have novaform mattress.
How to Check If a Novaform Mattress Contains Fiberglass?
If you want to find out on your own that does novaform mattress have fiberglass or not then just simply follow these steps.
1. Check label first
If the mattress has fiberglass in it then there is a high chance they are going to mention those ingredients on their label.
And most mattress mentions their ingredients on their label.
But if you find the words like fiberglass, glass, or related to fiberglass then you know that this mattress has fiberglass in it.
And you may find rayon and silica on novaform mattress’s label and lots of people are confused with silica meaning fiberglass but it’s not.
2. Check if there is mention of words like do not remove the cover or don’t wash the cover.
There are lots of mattress brands on the market that don’t even mention that they contain fiberglass but they may mention words like “do not remove the cover” or “do not wash the cover”.
If you find words like this then it definitely contains fiberglass becuase most of the mattress brands who use fiberglass put fiberglass beneath the cover.
So if you find the mattress’s brand is saying do not remove the cover without even valid reason then it 100% contains fiberglass.
3. Made in china
There are lots of mattress brands that are manufactured in china like nectar, vibe, and others.
And everybody knows that china is famous for making cheap products at cheap costs.
And if you see the mattress is manufactured in china then there are high chances that the mattress is cheap and uses cheap materials like fiberglass.
So these are some of the ways to find out whether your mattress has fiberglass or not.
Should I buy a novaform mattress?
Yes, you can definitely buy novaform mattress because they make one of the best and safest memory foam mattress on the market.
And they do not have fiberglass in them.
They are 100% safe and natural so don’t worry too much just buy it.
There are lots of features in novaform mattresses like motion isolations, pressure relief, temperature control, and edge support.
Conclusion on Does novaform mattress have fiberglass.
After reading this article, I may assume that all questions about fiberglass in novaform mattress have been solved.
So novaform mattress does not have fiberglass in them. They are 100% safe and do not contains any type of harmful and toxic chemicals.
Frequently asked Questions
1. Where is novaform mattress made?
Novaform manufactures all its mattresses in the united states, and all products from novaform are safe and natural.
2. Is novaform mattress toxic?
Don’t worry novaform mattress are 100% safe and do not contains any toxic, or harmful chemicals or materials. They are made with high-quality and non-toxic materials and also novaform mattresses are certified by CertiPure.