Purple is the most popular and best mattress in the united states.
And if you are considering buying a purple mattress or researching the purple mattress, then you will likely come across a purple mattress lawsuit.
A review was posted about the purple mattress using ant-tack powder on their mattress which is toxic and causes irreversible damage to the body.
Actually in 2016, TheHonestMattressReviews.com how that white powder is toxic and how it is causing irreversible damage to skin and body.
And the founder of that website was Ryan Monahan.
Then Ryan Monahan Goes Forward and posted some articles and a series of videos.
And Monahan also says he reached out to purple lots of times for asking why they are using powder on their mattresses.
But purple declined all his claims and said they all are false, but Monohan and the mattress company Ghostbed constantly put their effort to tarnish their reputation.
And purple claims that the CEO of Ghostbed “Mark Werner” and Monahan, both our business partners and working together to boost their sales by ruining purple name in the mattress industry.
What is a Purple Mattress White Powder?

The white powder used by purple to create their mattresses is a controversial product.
Purple uses polyethylene-based powder in the shipping and packaging components of their mattress.
And several studies claim that polyethylene-based powder contains a toxic substance that can affect your health directly.
But according to purple, the white powder is only for making sure that the purple mattress stays intact while compressed inside the shipping box. (link to purple mattress shipping).
They also claim that the white powder is non-toxic and safe which is the exact opposite of the honest mattress review article.
The white powder does not penetrate the mattress cover and never affects the skin of the customers.
But, According to Honest Mattress Review Article, a purple mattress contains white powder in its shipping components which can affect your health.
After these allegations from the honest mattress review, purple decide to file a lawsuit against the honest mattress review in Feb 2017.
And in their lawsuit, purple claims that the accusations by Mohan were false and it has nothing to do with their powder or mattress.
Then why did the controversy start? And what was the purple mattress lawsuit outcome?
So let’s go into detail.
Why Purple Mattress Sues Honest Reviews?
The Founder of Honest Mattress Reviews (Mohan) Writes an article about how purple mattress powder is affecting people’s health and how their mattress is worst for their customers.
And in this claims the CEO of Ghostbed (Werner) was also with him and tried to down purple mattress’s reputation on the market.
Then purple mattress replies to their claim and says their white powder is safe and does not cause any health problems.
After that in Feb 2017, Mohan (Founder of Honest Mattress Reviews) & Werner (CEO of Ghostbeds) Receives a restraining court order.
The court order stated that they need to drop their false review article against purple mattress which was misleading according to the court & Purple.
And they also stated that purple uses safe powder and does not cause any health problems, and they also submitted findings of a study done to prove the white powder is safe.
And the purple mattresses manufacturer also launched a private investigation to check whether Mohan and Werner are business partners which is an act of deception.
As expected, Mohan and Werner said they are not business partners.
What Purple was uncovered in the investigation? (Outcome Purple Mattress Lawsuit)
The outcome of the purple mattress lawsuit clearly proved that Mohan was working with Ghostbed CEO (Werner).
And the Mohan was a former chief brand officer of Ghostbed.
This was a conspiracy started by Mohan against purple to lower their reputation in the mattress industry so they can move forward.
And the purple’s investigation also discovered that Mohan Owned a company named social media sharks which receives 10,000$ each month from GhostBed via a different company known as “Achieve”.
Purple Mattress Lawsuit Result (Final Verdict)
All the lawsuit findings were submitted to judge Bee Denson because they were granted a preliminary injunction.
And the judge claims that both Werner and Mohan were dishonest about their statements and claimed false allegations against purple.
And the purple was awarded judicial attorney fees and the amount for pursuing this lawsuit.
Is the Powder in Purple Mattress Dangerous? (Honest Answer)
The purple submitted a toxicology report during this lawsuit period in the court that proved the white powder used in the purple mattresses is safe and non-toxic also it has no adverse effects on its users.
The polyethylene-based powder is made of the same hyper-elastic polymer that other manufacturers use for their products like plastic bottles, food containers, and cosmetics, among other products.
The white powder is non-toxic and used in many forms of products that have no side-effect on people’s health.
And the purple mattress lawsuit result made everything clear.
So if you are considering buying a purple mattress then you can go for it without having second thought about safely because the purple mattress is 100% safe.
Pros & Cons of Purple Mattress
- 100% Safe and Non-toxic Chemicals
- Great Value For Money
- Most Popular Mattress on the Market
- Most Satisfied Customers compared to any other mattress.
- Suitable for every age of people and all their sleeping positions
- Offers Great Support and Relieves Pressure
- Relieves Back, Hip, Neck, and Shoulder Pain
- A large number of springs for increasing Comfort.
- Best Durable & Strong Mattress
- Innovative Technology with Highest Premium Quality Mattress
- Great Air Flow & High Breathability
- Cooling Effect for hot sleepers
- Heavy & Hard to move around
- Needs Strong Base
- You Need to Purchase New Sheets
- Premium Models are Pricy
- The cover is Not Washable
Other Purple Mattress Complaints
1. Purple mattress lawsuit powder:
Initially when Mohan Posted an article about purple’s white powder then several people also reported that because of the white powder in purple mattresses they were having health issues.
But after the lawsuit, Mohan unpublished all negative reviews on their site.
Because many claims and reports on their site against purple mattresses were unverified and they were not the real users of purple mattresses.
And after the lawsuit results, all products from purple are safe and has no side effect.
2. Purple Mattress causing back pain
Some customers are experiencing back pain when they sleep on a purple mattress and claim that the mattress is quite firm.
Firstly the comfort of the purple mattress depend upon the weight and size of the user.
And purple mattresses at least need 30 to 60 days to adjust with your body.
If you want to know in detail about this topic then check our article on purple mattresses causing back pain.
3. Purple Mattress is too Heavy
Most of the mattresses weigh between 40 to 60 pounds but on the other hand purple mattress is very heavy around 70 pounds.
This can be a huge issue if you want to move your purple mattress. However, lots of people ask about how to move a purple mattress or how to rotate a purple mattress.
Here is an article for helping you to move your purple mattress.
4. Purple Mattress Fiberglass
Yes, actually most of the 90% of Mattresses in the market do contain fiberglass as long as you don’t unzip its cover.
Becuase lots of mattress manufacturers use fiberglass to make their mattress fire-resistant.
But most of the mattresses have fiberglass under their cover so as long as you don’t open it then you don’t have any problem.
For detailed information check, this article out Does purple Mattress have fiberglass?
And if your mattress has fiberglass then check this article on how to get rid of fiberglass from the mattress.
Also Read: Does Temper-pedic cause Back pain?
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)
1. Are Purple beds toxic?
No, purple beds are Certified by CertiPUR-US® so all mattresses from purple are 100% safe and non-toxic. They contain foam and Hyper-Elastic Polymer which are safe.
2. Why is the purple mattress so uncomfortable?
Purple mattresses are firm mattress for lightweight sleepers and it requires 30 to 60 days for a purple mattress to adjust to your body. And the purple grid in the purple mattress cause can hip and back pain because of its firmness level and lots of people have trouble sleeping with a purple mattress so if you are one of them then you can use a mattress pad to make your purple mattress more comfortable.
3. Why does my Purple mattress smell?
A purple mattress doesn’t have an off-gassing smell like other mattresses but all new products have some type of smell but it will fade with time don’t worry. This is very normal. The smell of your purple mattress will fade according to its size and shape.
4. Can you flip a Purple Mattress?
A purple mattress is designed to last for several years without flipping necessary, but you can rotate your purple mattress every three months to evenly distribute the weight of the mattress.
5. Can I Turn the Purple Mattress?
No, you can’t turn your purple mattress because it is only one-sided so you can not flip the purple mattress, purple mattress are designed for lasting around 10 years without turning or flipping to the other side.
6. Where Can I Get A Purple Mattress?
You can get a purple mattress on their official website or from amazon but both come with their pros and cons. Becuase if you buy a purple mattress from amazon then you will get fast shipping but the availability of purple mattresses is low on amazon. For more details check out this article about the purple mattress shipping time.